General Funding Guidelines
The Medical School Early Outreach Grant Program (MSEOG) at the NAPCA Foundation offer grants to tax-exempt public charities described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The Foundation does not accept applications from individuals, private foundations, fiscal agents, or government units such as fire districts, municipalities, or rotary clubs (whether or not they are 501(c)(3) organizations and similar service clubs.
Grant funding will support medical school pipeline programs across the nation that are designed to support projects that expand access to medical school education for a diverse group of talented youths, as early as the 4th grade, including students traditionally underrepresented in medicine, and those that come from families with limited financial resources. We are interested in supporting non-profit 501c3 organizations that are committed to increasing the diversity of the physician workforce.
The Foundation does not offer contributions to/for:
- capital projects
- endowments
- independent study
- fundraising events, galas, or other similar activities
- direct mail campaigns
- international projects
- debt or deficit reduction
- religious or political causes
- video production
- audio-visual equipment
- computer hardware
- education research
The NAPCA Foundation’s policy on non-discrimination prevents us from awarding grant support to organizations that, in their constitution, bylaws, or practices, discriminate against a person or group because of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief.
- Grantees, however, may target services to a particular population when the targeted groups require specialized programs to meet specific needs not shared by the general population.
Contact Information
Medical School Early Outreach Grant Program (MSEOG)
- NAPCA Foundation
- 2600 W. Olive Ave. 5th Floor
Burbank, California 91505 - Phone: (800) 799 – 4640
Financial Information
Applicatoin Information
Eligible Applicants:
501c3 organizations that are committed to increasing the diversity of the physician workforce and target elementary and secondary students underrepresented in medicine and that come from families with limited financial resources.
Sectarian Religious Activities, Building Funds, Endowment
Application Deadlines:
Grants for Programs that Target Elementary Students (Grades 3-5): October 1, annually
Grants for Programs that Target Secondary Students (Grades 6-12): November 1, annually
Application Procedures
We regularly identify and cultivate relationships with nonprofit organizations and other foundations with programs and initiatives that align with our guidelines. Thus, we do not review or consider unsolicited requests for funding. Organizations are welcome to send a brief description of their work that is aligned with our funding guidelines.
Geographic Scope